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Silver and white gold are two jewellery materials that are commonly mistaken for each other because of how they appear. While they may have a few similarities, they have their key differences, which will be discussed in this article. Keep reading.


Silver and white gold share some characteristics, so they are often confused for the same metal. Under ultraviolet light, both materials have a slightly bluish glow. Additionally, both silver and white gold will reflect white light when polished.

However, silver is lighter in colour than white gold, and it has a softer colour when polished. Silver also has a high level of purity, so it can be thinner and more flexible, with a smoother texture. It also has a more matte, silvery finish.

On the other hand, white gold can reflect slight yellowish or greenish undertones. It is not as pure as silver, and it is heavier than silver, often weighing up to 15 times as much as silver. Although it is a little softer than silver, it is still harder than most other jewellery materials.


Although both silver and white gold have a lot in common, they also have their differences. Silver is denser than white gold, making it harder and more durable. With a higher melting point, silver is more likely to be used for more intricate jewellery. White gold, on the other hand, is more challenging to work with than silver. It also has a lower melting point, making it more susceptible to scratches.

White gold contains nickel, which makes it more resistant to corrosion and rust. However, nickel does not make it free from tarnishing. On the other hand, silver does not contain nickel, and it is more prone to corrosion and rust.

In terms of pricing, silver is less expensive than white gold, and it is available in a wide array of qualities and styles. White gold is more expensive than silver, and it is often used in more expensive pieces of jewellery.

The differences between silver and white gold are very distinct, so jewellery shoppers must pay attention to the details and ensure that they purchase the right product.

Choosing Between Silver and White Gold

When choosing silver or white gold, you must make sure that you select the suitable material. Silver is more pliable and stiffer, which makes it better for intricate construction. White gold, on the other hand, is easier to work with.

As far as upkeep is concerned, both silver and white gold are susceptible to tarnishing. Silver may require more maintenance to remain shiny since it is more prone to rust and corrosion. White gold will also need some regular care.

As you can see, silver and white gold have their own positives and negatives. Whichever gemstone you choose, make sure that you consider the specifics of that material, as well as its upkeep.


Silver and white gold are both valuable choices for jewellery. While they have some similarities, they are not the same, and some differences make them unique. With their differences in appearance, texture, and maintenance, choosing the right material for your jewellery is essential.

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